Dehydrated Sourdough Starter is a shelf-stable starter where the microorganisms are held in an inactive or dormant state. Unlike Active Sourdough Starter which needs to be fed to keep active, dehydrated sourdough starter can last for years.

This dehydrated sourdough starter is dried at peak activity to ensure easy rehydration for baking in as little as six days. Full instructions come with each package as well as tips for maintaining a healthy starter.

Q: How long does it take to rehydrate Pauline Manor Bakery starter?
A: On average it takes about 5 days to fully rehydrate and activate dried sourdough starter. If you are looking to get started baking sooner, check out our Active Sourdough Starter which arrives ready to feed and bake!

Q: I don’t have any baking experience — can I make sourdough?
A: Absolutely. You will receive complete instructions on how to use this starter to make all of the sourdough deliciousness you could possibly want. With a little bit of time and learning, you will be baking up a storm in no time.

Q: Do you really have to feed a sourdough starter twice a day, every day to keep it alive?
A: It depends. If you plan to use your starter every day – meaning either baking a fresh loaf or even sourdough discard recipes, then yes, you would keep it on the counter and feed it daily. However, If you’re an occasional or once-a-week baker, you can keep it in the refrigerator and feed it only when you want to use it.

Q: How many loaves can I bake with one starter?
A: As many as you want! Your starter comes with all the instructions you need to know how to use it, feed it, and care for it for the life of your sourdough journey. Once your own starter is fully active you can make as many loaves, pastries, and baked good as you want.