This is Pauline Graupera Gonzalez, the namesake of Pauline Manor and the woman who the street was named after. Pauline was born in New Orleans in the year 1800. When her father passed away when she was just 18, her mother, uncle, and two younger siblings came to live in Pensacola. 

Pauline would eventually marry a man named Celestino Gonzalez - the eldest son of Don Manuel Gonzalez. Don Manuel was originally from Spain and served in the Spanish army. When he was discharged from the army in 1792 he was granted land in Northwest Florida and named the town Gonzalez.

The official title says the house was built in 1908 but there are photos and drawings of a house that resembles Pauline Manor in nearly the exact location far earlier than that.  Some records mention a house fire in the late 1800s so it is possible the new title is for the house that was rebuilt, but sadly I was not able to find clear records from those times to know for sure. 

Pauline passed away in 1896. However, she and Celestino had nine children so it’s unclear exactly what happened to the house and land between 1896 and 1908. (But you know I’m going to keep digging and try to find out)

In 1923 the house was purchased by Charles Franklin Pierce whose family owned the home until 2014. The Pierce family was well-known and well-loved in the City of Gonzalez with several municipal buildings and structures named in their honor. To this day, one of the Pierce family who lived in this home owns Grandview Florist in Cantonment Florida.  

In 2014 the home was purchased by Natalie Rainbolt, a local author and advocate for Autism. She and her family raised numerous animals including sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, and even tilapia. She tended a flourishing garden which aided their desire to eat nutritious foods and live "off the grid." The Rainbolt family did significant upgrades to the home including putting in a well and upgrading the water and power to code. The Rainbolts loved the home but wanted more land to expand.

Seeing the amazing possibilities with this property, we became the new owners on December 12, 2022, and named it Pauline Manor to pay homage to her past and honor the families and loved ones who have lived and visited here. This has been the site of multiple weddings, funerals, graduations, and other social events in Gonzalez, Florida. It is our goal to restore as much of the history of the home as we can and look forward to many years of happiness here.